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Butter chicken,Tikka masala,Chicken curry,Biryani,Korma - difference
Hi, What is the difference between Indian cuisine meals Butter chicken, Chicken Tikka masala, Chicken curry, Chicken Biryani and Chicken Korma ? Are all of them spicy ?
0 answers asked 1 day ago
What is the meaning of running sushi ? How does running sushi work ?
Hi, What is the meaning of running sushi ? How does running sushi work ? What makes it different from regular sushi ?
0 answers asked 2 days ago
Is correct to say they are on holiday / they are on vacation ?
Hi, Is correct to say "they are on holiday" or "they are on vacation" ?
0 answers asked 8 days ago
Is correct to say they are on holiday or on holidays ?
Hi, Is correct to say "they are on holiday" or "they are on holidays" ?
0 answers asked 8 days ago
Difference between Upsell, Cross-sell, Downsell - example
What is the difference between Upsell, Cross-sell and Downsell ? Can you please provide an example of Upselling, Cross-selling and Downselling ?
1 answer answered 15 days ago
Get Http response code from URL. Check 200 or 404 status in PHP.
What is the simplest way how to get http response code via PHP ? How can I easily check URL for 200 or 404 status ?
1 answer answered 10 days ago
Is Intel N100 processor good & fast enough for Windows 11 ?
Is Intel N100 processor good and fast enough for Windows 11 ? Is better to buy a laptop with Intel Core i3 CPU ?
1 answer answered 29 days ago
Difference between Intel Core i3 and N100 CPU. Which is better ?
What is the difference between Intel Core i3 and Intel N100 CPU ? They are often used in case of cheaper laptops. Which one is better ?
1 answer answered 29 days ago
Important sales metrics. What data to collect about customers ?
What information should sales collect about customers ? What are the important sales metrics ? What customer data to collect beside gender, job position, company type, revenue and size ?
1 answer answered 21 days ago
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