Chicken curry, Jalfrezi, Rogan Josh, Tandoori, Makhani - difference


What is the difference between Chicken curry, Jalfrezi, Rogan Josh, Tandoori and Makhani ?
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Curry is a dish with sauce, based on the mixture of spices and vegetables. There are many variations of curry.

All these dishes Jalfrezi, Rogan Josh, Tandoori and Makhani are curries.

Chicken makhani is also known as Butter chicken.
The difference between Chicken Korma, Jalfrezi, Rogan Josh, Tandoori and Chicken Makhani is in the taste, because each of them contains some specific ingredients, different type and amount of curry powder. The hotness of curries may vary, depending on location where the dishes are served.

  • Chicken Makhani (Butter Chicken) - is a tomato based cream dish with smooth texture and slightly sweet taste. It is more creamy due to addition of butter. Butter chicken is generally less spicy.
  • Chicken Curry - is a general curry dish with sauce, chicken, mixture of vegetables and spices. There is no exact "chicken curry" recipe, so for example, if you eat chicken curry in 5 restaurants, all of them can be different. Basic curry ingredients are onions, garlic, ginger and curry powder.
  • Chicken Korma - is a rich and creamy curry dish, made with coconut cream and yoghurt. It contains a wide range of spices, but the taste is not too hot.
  • Rogan Josh - is a tomato based creamy curry with intense spices. The dish is usually made with lamb or goat.
  • Jalfrezi - is a tomato based stir fry dish with chicken, chunks of vegetables and not so much sauce. It usually contains a bell peppers, but it can also contain carrots, green beans and baby corns. Jalfrezi is generally more spicy than Rogan Josh.
  • Tandoori Curry - is a curry with Tandoori chicken. Tandoori chicken is made of chicken parts, marinated in the mixture of yoghurt, lemon juice, tandoori masala, a spice blend. It is cooked in tandoori oven. Because of that, the curry may have a bit smoky flavour.

I recommend to try all of them. :)
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