VLOOKUP function in the following example is used to get the unit price from the second table, that is created on another sheet.
The first table:

The second table on another sheet:

To get
unit price from the second table for C2, the formula should look like:
=VLOOKUP(A2;Sheet2!$A$2:$D$4;4;FALSE)A2 - lookup value
Sheet2!$A$2:$D$4 - table array, which describes the fixed location of the second table
4 - the column index number, which describes the column where the value is located
FALSE - used to apply the exact match
When you are using the tables as objects, the formula in C2 can also look like:
=VLOOKUP([@Item],Table2,4,FALSE)HLOOKUP function in the following example is used to get the percentage rate from the first table, to calculate the selling price:

To get
percentage rate from the first table for D7, the formula should look like:
=HLOOKUP(B7;$B$1:$E$2;2;FALSE)B7 - lookup value
$B$1:$E$2 - table array, which describes the fixed location of the first table
2 - the row index number, which describes the row where the value is located
FALSE - used to apply the exact match