Get from Hauptbahnhof to Westbahnhof in Vienna by train or tram


How can I get directly from Hauptbahnhof station to Westbahnhof station in Vienna by using a train, metro, tram or other type of public transport ?

What is the number of tram or metro I should take ?

Does it take a long time to go there by walk ?
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To travel between Hauptbahnhof station and Westbahnhof station, you should take a Tram number 18.

It is probably the best and fastest option how to get to Westbahnhof railway station using a public transport. The journey takes approx. 15 minutes and you don't need to make any changes.

Before you get on tram, just make sure it goes to the right direction:
From Hauptbahnhof to Westbahnhof - tram goes to Burggasse Stadthalle
From Westbahnhof to Hauptbahnhof - tram goes to Schlachthausgasse

On the map, it doesn't look these stations are located far from each other. But the distance between them is approx. 4 kilometers. So if you decide to go by walk, it could take 45 - 60 minutes.
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