You can simply set session cookie, where name is "abc" and value is "123", with this code:
document.cookie = 'abc=123; path=/';
To set a persistent cookie with calculated expiry time, you can use this code:
var d = new Date();
var e = '; expires=' + d.toUTCString();
document.cookie = 'abc=123'+e+'; path=/';
You can also set cookie by this code, if you know the exact expiry date:
document.cookie = 'abc=123; expires=Thu, 12 Aug 2019 15:30:00 UTC; path=/';
To read value of cookie "abc", you can use this code:
var c = document.cookie.match(new RegExp('(^| )abc=([^;]+)'));
if (c){ alert(c[2]); }