iPhone Standard, Max, Pro, Mini - difference, performance, features

What is the difference between standard iPhone, iPhone Max, iPhone Pro Max and iPhone Mini ? Does each of them provide different performance or have different features or is it only about the screen size ?
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iPhone models have also other differences than screen dimensions. There are differences in performance and features. When you compare the most recent iPhone 13 phones, some differences are visible, like the number of cameras, but some of them you can't directly see, like GPU type etc. Comparison of key specifications:

iPhone standard
- Screen size 6.1 inches
- Weight 174 g
- Battery capacity approx. 3200 mAh
- 2 main cameras (wide, ultrawide)
- 4 GB RAM
- Internal memory from 128 GB to 512 GB
- GPU with 4 cores

iPhone Pro
- Screen size 6.1 inches
- Weight 204 g
- Battery capacity approx. 3100 mAh
- 3 main cameras (wide, telephoto with optical zoom, ultrawide)
- 6 GB RAM
- Internal memory from 128 GB to 1 TB
- GPU with 5 cores

iPhone Pro Max
- Screen size 6.7 inches
- Weight 240 g
- Battery capacity approx. 4400 mAh
- 3 main cameras (wide, telephoto with optical zoom, ultrawide)
- 6 GB RAM
- Internal memory from 128 GB to 1 TB
- GPU with 5 cores

iPhone Mini
- Screen size 5.4 inches
- Weight 141 g
- Battery capacity approx. 2400 mAh
- 2 main cameras (wide, ultrawide)
- 4 GB RAM
- Internal memory from 128 GB to 512 GB
- GPU with 4 cores
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