Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, K rich foods, fruits and vegetables

Which foods are vitamin A, B, C, D, E, K rich ? Which fruits and vegetables contain a lot of vitamins ?
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Some foods, fruits and vegetables are rich mostly in one vitamin, but some of them are a good source of multiple vitamins. Please note there are more types of some vitamins, like B1, B2, B6 etc.

Vitamin A rich foods, fruits and vegetables

  • Eggs, Salmon, Tuna and other oily fishes, Liver, Milk, Cheese, Yogurt and other dairy products
  • Mango, Apricots, Cantaloupe, Pink grapefruit, Papaya
  • Carrots, Sweet potato, Spinach, Broccoli, Sweet red pepper, Pumpkin, Tomatoes

Vitamin B rich foods, fruits and vegetables

  • Eggs, Chicken, Beef, Lamb, Pork, Fish and other meat, Milk, Cheese, Yogurt and other dairy products, Wholegrain bread
  • Bananas, Avocado, Strawberry, Raspberry, Kiwi, Orange, Watermelon
  • Beans, Lentils, Soy, Peas and other legumes, Spinach, Garlic, Mushrooms, Nuts and Seeds, Tomatoes, Oats, Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower and other leafy green vegetables

Vitamin C rich foods, fruits and vegetables

  • Fish contain a small amount of Vitamin C, but there are not many Vitamin C rich foods
  • Orange, Lemon and other citrus fruit, Strawberry and other berries, Blackcurrant, Kiwi, Pineapple, Pomegranate and other tropical fruit
  • Spinach, Peppers, Garlic, Broccoli, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Potatoes, Coriander

Vitamin D rich foods, fruits and vegetables

  • Egg yolks, Red meat, Salmon, Mackerel and other oily fish, Liver, Milk, Yogurt and other dairy products
  • There are not many Vitamin D rich fruits
  • Mushrooms

Vitamin E rich foods, fruits and vegetables

  • Fish, Eggs
  • Avocado, Kiwi, Mango, Papaya
  • Sunflower oil, Olive oil and other plant oils, Olives, Almonds, Hazelnuts, Peanuts and other nuts, Seeds, Broccoli

Vitamin K rich foods, fruits and vegetables

  • Some meat and fishes, Liver
  • Avocado, Kiwi, Pear, Berries and Currants, Pomegranate, Figs, Rhubarb
  • Broccoli, Spinach, Asparagus, Leaf letuce, Cucumber, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Parsley, Some beans, Nuts
In case of some foods, one or mutiple vitamins may be fortified. It means, some foods don't contain a certain vitamins naturally. These vitamins are added.

Typical foods with one or multiple fortified vitamins are Milk or Orange juice. The amount of fortified vitamins depends on producers, so it may be different for each brand.

You can get Vitamin D also from the Sun. :)
Sunlight is the natural source of vitamin D. Because there are not many vitamin D rich foods, the sun is considered to be quite an important source of this vitamin.

To get the necessary amounts of D vitamin from the sun, you have to be exposed to a direct sunlight for a certain time.

People with light skin colour need to be exposed to sunlight for 15 - 20 minutes around midday, a couple times a week.

People with darker skin colour need to be exposed to sunlight for a longer time.

But the amount of vitamin D you can get from the sun depends on your geographical location, on what clothes you are wearing and whether there is a summer or winter.

To get enough vitamin D from the sun, at least 25% of your body shoud be exposed to direct sunlight.

The sunlight is stronger in some geographic locations and it is also stronger in the summer. In the winter, it is difficult to get vitamin D from the sun, but it is recommended to spend some time on direct sunlight.
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