Website Performance, Quality and Authority ranks checker

What are the popular website quality, trustfulness and authority evaluation ranks and scores ? Where can I check them ? Is there a single ranking, that evaluates the web page performance in general ?
give a positive ratinggive a negative rating

There are more website performance rank checkers available. A lot of them are focused on specific attributes and some of them are general. Website evaluation ranks are usually generated and published by SEO tools and applications. Probably the most popular ratings and rankings are:

Alexa rank - the measure of website popularity based on traffic and visitor engagement, published on
Moz domain authority rank - available at
Majestic citation flow - is a score available at, predicting website influence based on how many sites link to it
Majestic trust flow - is a score available at, predicting how trustworthy a page, based on link quality

To check website performance, you can also use online tools like or Check Page Rank.
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